Tuesday, August 29, 2017

ANTIFA are the new Brownshirts

What exactly is ANTIFA?

It is an acronym for ‘Anti-Fascist’, and the group’s aim is to eliminate fascism in the United States. CNN claims this group’s roots can be traced to Nazi Germany as part of the opposition movement against Hitler and, if you follow current events, you know that ANTIFA associates President Trump with Adolph Hitler. For the life of me, though, I don’t see that connection. 

At all. Not even close.

CNN is right in one aspect; ANTIFA does have at least one connection to pre-WW II Nazi Germany, though it isn’t one they intended. If you follow history, you know who the Brownshirts were: Adolph Hitler’s Sturmabteilung, or SA, whose methods of violence and intimidation greatly aided the Nazi despot’s rise to power. They were a paramilitary group that marched in parades in support of Hitler, protected Nazi party meetings and violently attacked anyone who opposed him. They were the first Stormtroopers.

Gee, that sounds pretty familiar, doesn’t it?

I can see more similarity between ANTIFA and the SA than I can between Hitler and President Trump. All I have to do is watch coverage of any event in which a Conservative group assembles and there they are, dressed in whatever black clothing they may possess with bandanas around their faces. Lately, this alleged ‘peaceful’ ANTIFA group has been filmed wearing an assortment of protective headgear, ranging from motorcycle helmets to baseball helmets. I’ve watched them chase down and assault people whom these ANTIFA members believed to be Trump supporters and beat them to the ground. I’ve watched them spray peacefully-gathered supporters of Trump with pepper spray and throw bottles filled with urine at them. They oppose anyone with a Conservative point of view to the extent that they will make a college or public venue too dangerous for a speech by anyone who is even remotely connected with conservatism.

Yet they endorse free speech, right? Free, that is, as long as the speaker is in line with ANTIFA’s skewed view of American politics and perceived injustices in our social landscape.

America’s neo-Nazis and white supremacists and their violence and hatred cannot be tolerated; neither can we tolerate ANTIFA’s actions. 

Both ends of the spectrum are more alike than they know.