Monday, January 1, 2018

Happy New Year

Happy 2018.

A lot of folks are glad to be putting 2017 behind them, including myself; it seems as if  many of our family members spent most of the year in hospitals or the doctor's office. It could be worse, though, considering the alternative.

Then there are those that make resolutions: common among them are to lose weight, stop smoking, work out on a regular basis....all good ideas but none of them are mine.

I don't believe in resolutions or the theory that a new year marks another 'new' beginning. You still have the same issues you had yesterday; the same bills, the same bank account, the same aches and pains. Nothing has changed overnight other than the date.

But I'm not complaining. There's millions out in the world who would happily trade places with me.

There's things I'm going to try to change, however. I'm going to try to write in this space a little more. I want to spend more time with my metal detector...and keep count of exactly how many aluminum pull tabs I dig up in 2018 (us detectorists hate those things because they sound just like silver in the ground).  I want to stop using smokeless tobacco, once and for all, which will be difficult.

And, as always, I'll strive every day to be the husband my redheaded angel deserves.

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