Wednesday, October 24, 2018

Who's Stopping You? You Are.

Fear. Phobia. Apprehension.


We fear what we don't know. Fear can keep us from goals, dreams and desires, and from confronting problems and issues. Phobias allow unreasonable elevation of our fears Our apprehensions make us take pause and hesitate to move forward.

Then the regret sets in. We'll 'what if?' the rest of our lives because we were afraid, once upon a time, to confront our fear. Then comes self-doubt and, maybe, self-loathing. Don't do that to yourself. Have some respect for you.

So how do we overcome our fears?

We take that first step toward them. That's it. Simple as that. Make that first move forward.

We can educate ourselves, strive to determine what is causing us that fear. Is it fear of failure? You failed. So what. You won't be the first person in the history of mankind to fail at something. The key is what you do next. Prepare for that step the best way you can. Study that fear, have a reasonable idea of what it'll require of you to overcome it and go right back at it.

Don't allow fear to defeat you. You get back up, dust yourself off, figure out what went wrong and take that step again only, this time, you'll have a better understanding of what you're stepping into.

You want that dream, that goal or desire? Don't let fear stop you.

Run that sucker down.

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