Monday, June 13, 2016

This Morning...

…the Orlando massacre is much worse than first reported yesterday morning. A total of fifty people were murdered by a radicalized Islamist during the worst mass shooting in United States history.

…I pray first for the families of those lost; I also pray for the police officer who was working security at the night club, who first exchanged shots with terrorist Omar Mateen, because I know he must be blaming himself for the lives lost after that initial encounter.

…although calling it “…an act of terror…”, Barack Obama never mentioned radical Islam, even though Mateen himself called 911 during the attack to tell police that he pledged his allegiance to ISIS.

…at some point today, Hillary Clinton will call for more gun control during a speech or in front of the news media. Within hours, Obama already had…and it is deplorable that, once again, he used a tragedy to further his agenda.

…several persons across the country will try to capitalize on this tragedy by producing t-shirts emblazoned with slogans relating to the shootings. I support the families and friends of the victims, but there are mopes out there who will make money on this. Numerous charity websites will be set up to aid the victims’ families, many of which will turn out to be run by scam artists.

…I strongly hope that the massive, in-depth FBI investigation will not find that some of the hostages held by Mateen inside the night club were accidentally shot by law enforcement.

…it will be found that friends, co-workers or neighbors of Mateen suspected he would commit an act such as the shootings, but failed to report their suspicions out of fear of being labeled ‘Islamophobe’. Political correctness is causing this country to suffer.

…there will be no condemnation of radical Islamists by the Council on American-Islamic Relations, or CAIR. Will someone, anyone, who is a leader in the Muslim community proclaim long and loud in the media that this scumbag murderer is not representative of that religion’s tenets?

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