Monday, October 22, 2018

Get Off The Treadmill

No, not the one that's keeping you healthy.

The one that's keeping you stationary in life.

Let's face facts for a moment: most of us get out of bed, go through a morning routine, work, come home to another routine for a few hours and then go to bed. That cycle repeats every twenty-four hours for five days, with maybe a few variables.

No wonder we look forward to weekends so much, but even those can have their very own cycles too, right?

It gets to be monotonous, a drag, smothering your life aside from those few variables. You're running in place on life's treadmill when you want to move forward and higher. You can't see an endpoint, the time in your life when you can stop running and start enjoying.

Trust me, that day is coming.

In the meantime, though, how do you step off that platform of everyday mundaneness? Of the mindless 'rinse-and-repeat' cycle? CAN you throw the change-up instead of another fastball?

I'm not advocating a total life change; that's a pretty big gamble, especially if you have loved ones depending on you at home. You can't act on chance and risk losing something you can't afford to lose.

Break up that cycle to whatever extent is acceptable. Take your wife or husband out to dinner unexpectedly in the middle of the week. Have a family night at the movies. Go through the attic and donate unused or unneeded items to those less fortunate. Volunteer a few hours at a local food bank.

Have something in mind you've always wanted to try, but haven't? Do it. Read a book...or write one. Build something. It doesn't have to be intricate or expensive. Dig a hole, line it with bricks and stack a few rows of pavers around it. Now you have a fire pit. Refinish the old table sitting in the basement that Grandma gave you and make it functional again.

Do something a little different every week. Break the monotony by stepping into unfamiliar territory outside your comfort zone. Change something...anything...

...and stop complaining about the treadmill.

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